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Great Binders : Robert Riviere Bindery

Great Binders : Robert Riviere Bindery

Robert Rivière

Robert Rivière was born in 1808 into an artistic family in London, England. While his siblings preferred painting and singing, Robert became apprenticed to booksellers after he graduated from academy in 1824. In 1829 he established himself in Bath as a bookseller with a side business in binding. All of that changed when he moved to London and established his business as a bookbinder.

The Rivière Bindery saw great success in London’s West End from 1840 onwards. Collectors sought him out for his high quality and attention to detail, and he was commissioned to bind books for Queen Victoria and the royal family.

In 1880, Rivière turned the business over to his son-in-law, Percival Calkin, and renamed the firm as Robert Rivière & Son.

You can date Rivière bindings by their stamp.

  • 1829-1832 - Bound by R. Rivière, Bath
  • 1832-1840 - Bound by R. Rivière
  • 1840-1860 - Bound by Rivière
  • 1880 and on - Bound by Rivière & Son

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