The MFLIBRA Antique Books Blog

A Brief Journey Through the Pages of Time: Antique Paper Edition

A Brief Journey Through the Pages of Time: Antique Paper Edition

In a world that's bent on digitizing everything, we antique book enthusiasts stubbornly cling to the tactile allure of paper. Ah, paper – a bibliophile's first love. Ever paused to ponder how these pages of yore evolved? Let us take a cheeky jaunt through the annals of paper history. From ancient Egyptians writing on papyrus (no relation to the nefarious Comic Sans sibling) to Chinese artisans perfecting the art on mulberry bark, paper's origins were as diverse as our beloved first editions. Enter the Middle Ages, where animal-based parchment and vellum reigned supreme. Oh, how Gutenberg must have agonized over...

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The Allure of Antiquarianism: Why Collecting Antique Books is More Than a Hobby

The Allure of Antiquarianism: Why Collecting Antique Books is More Than a Hobby

Introduction: For some, the thought of antique books conjures up images of dusty, dimly-lit rooms filled with the musty smell of aging paper. But for the true antiquarian, this very same environment is a treasure trove waiting to be explored. At MFLIBRA Antique Books, we believe in "Books with a soul" and that collecting antique books is much more than just a hobby; it's an exploration of history, an appreciation of art, and a deep connection to humanity's collective knowledge. In this blog, we will delve into the allure of antiquarianism and explore the reasons why this pastime continues to...

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Why Collect Antique Books: A Timeless Investment

Why Collect Antique Books: A Timeless Investment

As passionate bibliophiles, we understand the allure of antique books. The scent of aged pages, the feel of well-worn bindings, and the beauty of ornate covers are all undeniable. However, beyond the sensory pleasures and the intellectual satisfaction they offer, collecting antique books is also a wise investment. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons why antique books make an excellent addition to your investment portfolio. 1. Historical Significance Antique books are tangible links to our past. They provide insights into the thoughts, ideas, and beliefs of previous generations. Owning a piece of history not only enriches your...

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The Magic of Edmund Dulac's Sleeping Beauty

The Magic of Edmund Dulac's Sleeping Beauty

Subtitle: Rediscovering the Art of Timeless Storytelling Through Illustration Introduction Welcome, dear readers, to the realm of enchantment and fairy tales. Today, we will dive into the world of "Sleeping Beauty," as illustrated by Edmund Dulac, a prominent and influential figure in the golden age of illustration. His work has captivated generations of readers, leaving a lasting impact on children's literature and the world of art. We will explore the artistry of his illustrations and how they have contributed to the enchanting atmosphere of this classic story. The Artist: Edmund Dulac Edmund Dulac was a French-born, British-naturalized illustrator and artist...

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Mary Cicely Barker: A Fascinating Journey into the World of Fantasy and Art

Mary Cicely Barker: A Fascinating Journey into the World of Fantasy and Art

Introduction Welcome to another edition of MFLIBRA Antique Books' blog, where we explore the timeless world of literature and the creative minds behind it. Today, we delve into the enchanting realm of Mary Cicely Barker, the beloved illustrator and author whose magical creations have captured the hearts and imaginations of generations. Early Life Born on June 28, 1895, in Croydon, Surrey, Mary Cicely Barker displayed an innate talent for art from a young age. Despite suffering from epilepsy and being confined to her home for extended periods, she never let her condition deter her passion for drawing and painting. Barker's...

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